Saturday, June 24, 2006

Attack the PC Virus

When your computer gets a deadly virus, be ready to fight back. By Asiya Bakht

how do i know it's a virus?
If your computer is running much slower than usual, that's one sign. Or it may stop responding, lock, crash abd restart a lot. Also applications or printers may not work.

where did i catch it?
Probably the Internet. Most viruses are passed through emails. The best rule: don't open email attachments from unidentified sources or download software from uncertified sites. Try not to click on pop-ups too.

what to look for
Key virus types:
  • Computer Virus the most common type, this is a small piece of software that attaches itself to a programme and rus each time the programme's in use.
  • Email Virus runs in emails and automatically mails itself to lots of people.
  • Worms use the computer network and security holes to replicate.
  • Trojan Horse is more recent one in the form of a computer programme which can actually erase the hard disk.
  • Spyware is an infection where every keystroke, website and conversation can be recorded by the hackers.

can i get rid of it?
You can, but viruses like Spyware often reinstall themselves even after they've been removed, so it's vital to check all files. Download antivirus tools from the Internet. Make sure you get the latest updates as viruses constantly update themselves. Confused over terms such as freeware and shareware? Freeware gives you all the software functions for free, shareware gives you most of its functions for a period of 15-30 days. Freeware is tempting as it's free back-up support. Shareware is a good way to test the software and back-up support - you need to pay for it but it has lots of support and free updates.

who sells the virus protection?
You can test-drive it before you buy. Download a few different packages on trial and get familiar with them. Visit review sites such as CNET to find out the best packages available. Better-known companies include Microsoft, Symantec and McAfee.

get help!
The newspapers have classifieds sections with contacts for computer pros. But check that they have the required anti-virus or anti-spyware programmes. Insist they reformat your whole computer to guard against a bigger infection.

protect yourself now
Get all the latest updates. Systems like Windows XP automatically ask if you want updates - go for it. You need industry standard anti-virus software - keep it updated.

Norton Anti-virus and MacAfee's Anti-virus detect viruses, worms and Trojan Horses and remove them. The latest versions can also detect spywares and non-virus infections. Good anti-spyware is a must - get free versions on the net. There are also Internet firewalls, which filter information coming into your computer system.

But nothing is foolproof so for guaranteed protection, make back-ups of your important files!



Microsoft's Internet Explorer is a well-known browser but new ones like Mozilla Firefox seem "safer" - get free versions online.

Extracted from Simply Her / November 2005


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